إغلاق القائمة
اعلان الهيدر
The insurance types

The insurance types

    The insurance types

    The insurance types 

     Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in

    which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured

    Insurance policies are used to hedge against the risk of financial losses, both big and small, that may result from damage to the insured or her property, or from liability for damage or injury caused to a third party

     Types of insurance 

    Life Insurance •

    Life Insurance is different from other insurance in the sense that, here, the subject matter of insurance is the life of a human being

    The insurer will pay the fixed amount of insurance at the time of death or at the expiry of the certain period

    At present, life insurance enjoys maximum scope because the life is the most important property of an individual

    Each and every person requires the insurance

    This insurance provides protection to the family at the premature death or gives an adequate amount at the old age when earning capacities are reduced

    Under personal insurance, a payment is made at the accident

    The insurance is not only a protection but is a sort of investment because a certain sum is returnable to the insured at the death or the expiry of a period

    General Insurance •

    The general insurance includes Property Insurance, Liability Insurance, and Other Forms of Insurance

    Fire and Marine Insurances are strictly called Property Insurance. Motor, Theft, Fidelity and Machine Insurances include the extent of liability insurance to a certain extent

    The strictest form of liability insurance is fidelity insurance, whereby the insurer compensates the loss to the insured when he is under the liability of payment to the third party

    Property Insurance •

    Under the property insurance property of person/persons are insured against a certain specified risk. The risk may be fire or marine perils, theft of property or goods damage to property at the accident

    Marine Insurance

    Marine insurance provides protection against loss of marine perils. The marine perils are a collision with a rock, or ship, attacks by enemies, fire, and captured by pirates, etc. these perils cause damage, destruction or disappearance o’ the ship and cargo and non-payment of freight

    Previously only certain nominal risks were insured but now the scope of marine insurance had been divided into two parts; Ocean Marine Insurance and Inland Marine Insurance

    The former insures only the marine perils while the latter covers inland perils which may arise with the delivery of cargo (gods) from the go-down of the insured and may extend up to the receipt of the cargo by the buyer (importer) at his go- down

    Fire Insurance •

    Fire Insurance covers the risk of fire. In the absence of fire insurance, the fire waste will increase not only to the individual but to the society as well

    With the help of fire insurance, the losses arising due to fire are compensated and the society is not losing much

    The individual is preferred from such losses and his property or business or industry will remain approximately in the same position in which it was before the loss

    The fire insurance does not protect only losses but it provides certain consequential losses also war risk, turmoil, riots, etc. can be insured under this insurance, too

    Liability Insurance •

    The general Insurance also includes liability insurance whereby the insured is liable to pay the damage of property or to compensate for the loss of persona; injury or death

    This insurance is seen in the form of fidelity insurance, automobile insurance, and machine insurance, etc

    Social Insurance

    The social Insurance is to provide protection to the weaker sections of the society who are unable to pay the premium for adequate insurance

    Pension plans, disability benefits, unemployment benefits, sickness insurance, and industrial insurance are the various forms of social insurance

    Insurance can be classified into four categories from the risk point of view

    Personal Insurance •

    The personal insurance includes insurance of human life which may suffer loss due to death, accident, and disease

    Therefore, the personal insurance is further sub-classified into life insurance, personal accident insurance, and health insurance

    Property Insurance •

    The property of an individual and of the society is insured against loss of fire and marine perils, the crop is insured against an unexpected decline in deduction, unexpected death of the animals engaged in business, break-down of machines and theft of the property and good

    Guarantee Insurance •

    The guarantee insurance covers the loss arising due to dishonesty, disappearance, and disloyalty of the employees or second party. The party must be a party to the contract

    His failure causes loss to the first party. For example, in export insurance, the insurer will compensate the loss at the failure of the importers to pay the amount of debt

    Other Forms of Insurance

    Beside the property and liability insurances, there are other insurances which are included in general insurance

    The examples of such insurances are export-credit insurances, State employees insurance, etc. whereby the insurer guarantees to pay a certain amount at the certain events

    This insurance is extending rapidly these days

    Miscellaneous Insurance

    The property, goods, machine, Furniture, automobiles, valuable articles, etc. can be insured against the damage or destruction due to accident or disappearance due to theft

    There are different forms of insurances for each type of the said property whereby not only property insurance exists but liability insurance and personal injuries are also insurer

    Insurance Policy Components •

    When choosing a policy, it is important to understand how insurance works

    Premium Policy •

    A policy's premium is its price, typically expressed as a monthly cost. The premium is determined by the insurer based on your or your business's risk profile, which may include creditworthiness. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single mid-range sedan and a perfect driving record. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies. So finding the price that is right for you requires some legwork

    Policy Limit •

    The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum

    Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums. For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount the insurer will pay is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured

    @Posted by
    writer and blogger, founder of Panorama .

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